Applications and installation
EndoTherm can be used in many applications
The important component is that there is a closed system. This is the predominant system as 90%+ of the Netherlands drives on that.
Basically every system that uses water as a way to transfer heat and is closed can use EndoTherm to improve its performance

All large boiler manufacturers verified it can be used safely with their boilers

Can be used together with inhibitors
It is safe to use together with inhibitors.

Non-corrosive and non-hazerdous
EndoTherm has been third-party tested and shown to be ‘non-corrosive’ on a wide range of common system materials including copper, steel, iron, aluminum, plastics and EPDM O-rings.
Additionally, it is considered a safe non-hazardous product, so it can be thrown away through the sink without any additional precautions.

EndoTherm found to be non-corrosive in use, compatible with leading brand inhibitors & compatible with heating system components

EndoTherm is not regarded as hazardous waste as defined by EU Directive 91/689/EEC.
(No Discharge Requirement)

Proven compatibility with EPDM rubber seals. EPDM is a common material found within heating system.
Every year Endo Enterprises renews £10m of Product liability insurance, for any damage caused where Endotherm® can be shown to be at fault. Since the inception of the company in 2012 this has never been claimed.
Endo Enterprises guarantees the product quality and warranty of EndoTherm®. Endo Enterprises confirms that the use of EndoTherm in water-operated heating and cooling systems operating in accordance with VDI 2035 does not affect the warranties of the boiler manufacturers listed above.
Installation instructions
Add EndoTherm to your closed heating system
Research shows it needs to be 1% of the total volume to be effective
It is easy as that! After an installation, you immediately have a more energy efficient building.